
Scheduling task reminders


Scheduling task reminders


Time spent on lists & tasks


Scheduling task reminders


Scheduling task reminders


Scheduling task reminders

How to Access your Schedule Settings

To access the schedule popup with all the schedule settings you need, simply hover over a task, open the expanded menu and click Schedule.

how to access your task schedule in Blitzit

Once you open the schedule popup you can select any date you wish to set your scheduled reminder for that task. You can also choose the shortcut schedules above the date selector:

date picker for scheduled tasks in Blitzit

  • Today will pick today's date.

  • Later today will pick today's date 2 hours ahead of your current time.

  • Tomorrow will pick tomorrow's date.

  • Next week will pick the date exactly 7 days ahead of your current date.

date selection in Blitzit

Once you click pick a date and click Next, you can pick a specific time on the second screen by clicking +ADD button next to Add Time.

If you don't set a specific time, the reminder will send a notification any time you wake/turn-on your device after 00:00 (midnight) of the day you scheduled it for.

Then click Schedule to set the scheduled reminder for that task. Scheduled tasks are found at the bottom the relevant List column.

Example: If you schedule a task tomorrow, it will be found at the bottom of This Week column. The next day that task will automatically move to your Today column

Recurring Schedules

On the second screen within the schedule popup, you can also choose if you want your task to be recurring so that they repeat based on what you select:

  • Every day: 7 new tasks will be scheduled on every Monday for each day of the week.

  • Every weekday: 5 new tasks will be scheduled on every Monday for each weekday.

  • Every Thursday: This is based on what you select during date selection. In this case you can see we have picked the date Thursday December 7th 2023, therefore this option becomes Thursday. Likewise if we chose Friday the 8th during the date selection it would be reflected here.

  • Every Month on 7th: same logic as the specific day of the week, based on the date you selected during date selection, we use the same specific date for the task to recur on a monthly basis.

recuring tasks in Blitzit

Tasks with recurring schedules becomes a parent task anchored to the Backlog. This recurring parent task automatically creates child tasks that are ordinary tasks scheduled on the Monday of the week the recurring date was set to be due.

How to Edit and Delete your Existing Schedules

  • To update your scheduled tasks simply hover over the task, expand the menu and click Update Schedule.

  • To delete the schedule in the same expanded menu, simply click the X icon next to the schedule details.